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Why Frustrated BI Managers Dig Automated Metadata Management

It’s easy to be frustrated when you’re drowning in a sea of data, but new solutions for BI metadata management offer hope to these overworked professionals.

We get it.

You’re tired: of digging through data; of pulling overtime with your BI group; of staring at your computer screen, poring over spreadsheets and databases searching for something—anything—that you can use to explain the inaccuracies in your clients’ reports.

And those clients don’t want to hear your complaints. They have their own deadlines, and they’re breathing down your neck demanding you come up with answers for why their data reports have errors!

It doesn’t seem right, does it?

You’re Drowning In Data

If this hits too close to home, don’t worry. Every BI group deals with these issues. Companies of all sizes believe they can get by with piecemeal data management systems for years, not realizing how many BI silos they’re creating and how borderline-impossible it is to locate specific data points within these silos. But eventually those chickens have to come home to roost, and when errors get noticed in reports, it’s up to the BI group to sort out the mess.

If you’re lucky, this process will only take a few hours. If you’re not, it can take days to find which ETL processes or database tables were used to compile a specific report. Obviously, digging through these systems manually isn’t ideal (for your productivity, or for your sanity), but what else can you do when every piece of metadata travels through numerous ETL, database, and analysis systems before ending up in a report?

It’s not an exaggeration to say that your team is drowning in data. And every new reporting error is like another anchor tossed your way.

Reclaim Control of Your Life With Better BI Metadata Management

You might be used to working overtime every time a new error gets discovered or bringing in new staff to handle your reporting workload, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re thinking there’s more to life than digging through data, you’re right. Solutions are available—solutions that are simple enough that you can deploy them today.

We’re talking, of course, about automation. It’s entirely possible to automate your BI metadata management and save yourself—and your team—from these inefficient workflows.

Create Unprecedented Data Visibility

Here’s how it works.

All of your data is collected and placed in a centralized hub that can be easily organized and searched with just a few clicks. This is wrapped up in a simple interface that functions just like a search engine—within seconds, you can locate specific data points across every BI system and find which exact ETL processes were used to generate reports:

-Control and evaluate metadata across every platform from a centralized dashboard;

-Make changes to calculations in fields and forms;

-Locate errors within seconds and fix inaccurate reports;

-Design new processes and implement upgrades.

We’re talking about complete data visibility, here. These platforms don’t just automate your metadata, they create systems of total discovery for data lineage that completely change the way your BI group handles metadata discovery.

Stop Wasting Time on Manual Data Searching

Automation eliminates the burden of inaccurate reporting, freeing up your team to focus their efforts where they’re needed. It’s a system of automation that speeds up your workflows, saves you time to market, and creates complete data lineages that can be applied to discovery, compliance, and more. 

Discover how Octopai automation can end your frustration schedule a demo today!

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