BI & Analytics Survey 2020: What Happens When You Automate A Business Glossary?

We surveyed more than 400 data professionals about their main day-to-day challenges and how they see automated tools for metadata management shaping the future of BI & Analytics. Download the survey report to find out: what data consumers are really spending their time on and why they are so frustrated, the challenges of building a […]
Make Better Data-Based Business Decisions in 2020

Modern business thrives on a steady diet of data, and decisions large and small rely on proper analysis of the right data. But how how can you be sure you’re analyzing the “right” data so you can make these really important decisions? With 2020 upon us, are you equipped with the necessary tools and technologies to […]
The Metadata Management Revolution: Integrated Metadata and What it Means for BI

Centralized metadata management is finally here and it changes everything.