A Needle in a Haystack – Discover Metadata in a Few Clicks (Part 3)

Oh the suspense! Will Airwave’s CFO manage to complete the task at hand in the time allotted?  And what is all the fuss about Octopai? It all culminates in the final post of the series below.

Lisa watched carefully. On the screen was a graphical image of metadata table entries, all neatly connected to related reports data items.

“Do you understand what this is?” asked Susan.  “Sort off, actually, not exactly,” replied Lisa.

Susan pointed to the green circle in the center. “Without counting the other items, ” said Susan, “this is our most complicated task – mapping the table data items to the fields in the relevant reports.  In the past five years, we have created 70,000 reports, many of them are duplicates of previous versions. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a way to tell if a report had existed before we created a new one.

This task usually takes between two to three days of manual work.  With Octopai, we were able to do it with few clicks. This is amazing. I thought it was going to take us at least a day or two, but my team got it done in a few seconds. If this is accurate, it will revolutionize the way we do our jobs. Think about all those annoying weekly requests you get – you can now take care of those on your own in no time at all. Nagging will no longer be a part of your daily routine.  So what do you think, Lisa?”  asked Susan.

Lisa didn’t say anything. Her mind was racing beyond what Susan was saying. Finally, she looked at Susan, took a screenshot with her iPhone, and pointed to the image she just took.

“The next step is the management meeting next week. We’re going to approve Octopai as a corporate standard, but first I need to confirm that the results we received from Octopai are accurate. This can be done by comparing them to the results seen through manual mapping, right?  Once I get the confirmation, I can start the approval process to acquire the tool.  I hope to get the budget somehow,” said Lisa before turning to leave the room.

A week later, Airwave’s management team was sitting around the conference room table when Lisa started her presentation.

“Our potential annual savings by using Octopai will be around $1.2 million,” said Lisa. “That’s calculated based on a total savings of six BI technicians, and without including the rework effort resulted from manual failures.

Our total annual acquisition cost for licensing and implementation is just below $80K and installation and startup are about four hours total. The huge payback here is clear.  If we get approval for the technology, we can start implementation right away.

One potential barrier is that we did not include the implementation cost in the budget because we only discovered this technology recently, but we could resolve this by deferring new hires for the BI team.” concluded Lisa.

“How do we know it’s a reliable technology?” asked the CEO.  “And what about data security and cloud processing,” asked the VP Marketing?

“I have sent you all a technology brief with the implementation approach. We’re going to answer all these questions and everyone will get a detailed report with our findings,” said Lisa.

“Then that’s great. We’ll wait for your report before approval. Great job, Lisa,” said the CEO.

A month later, in a small conference room, Lisa was concluding a Skype call.  Before she made her way toward the door, Amnon Drori, Octopai’s CEO, who was on the call, said: “I told you Octopai doesn’t work in days, but rather in seconds – I’m glad you’ve gotten to experience it yourself.”

“Indeed I did,” said Lisa, smiling all the way back to her office.


The End

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