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Data terms Glossary

BI Reporting Tool

Unlike money, it’s really easy to acquire data. Most companies are positively drowning in it. The secret to turning all that data into money is to unlock its value…

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Business Glossary

The day-to-day operations of a business require a common understanding of terminology. Employees and management who come to the company from different industries might understand terms differently…

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Cloud Data Migration

Businesses around the world are increasingly moving their computing environments to cloud service providers, such as Microsoft’s Azure and Amazon’s AWS…

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Data Access Governance

What is Data Access Governance? Data access governance is the means by which organizations manage access to their data. It includes the processes and policies

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Data Agility

What is Data Agility? Data agility is an organization’s ability to move, manage and manipulate its data in order to meet the business demands of

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Data Asset

A data asset is anything that is made up of data. It’s the resting place for data at-rest (as opposed to “in-transit”). A database, Excel spreadsheet, log file…

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Data Asset Management

Data asset management is the process of acquiring, tracking, utilizing, optimizing and leveraging data assets to create value. Without management, all types of data assets

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Data Catalog

A data catalog provides consumers (typically developers, database analysts, BI professionals, and data scientists) with information about the various data assets available within a given organization…

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Data Contracts

In today’s data-driven world, the integrity and accuracy of data are paramount for the successful operation of any organization. This is where data contracts come

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Data Dictionary

In database science, a data dictionary is the collection of basic metadata that describes the columns in a data table…

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Data Discovery

What is data discovery? Data discovery is the process by which users can locate relevant information for business use, analysis and insights across multiple data

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Data Integrity

Data integrity is the extent to which you can rely on a given set of data for use in decision-making. The level of data integrity

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Data Lineage

Data lineage is the data’s life cycle or the full data journey. This helps BI teams understand the data’s origin, flow, and where it exists currently.

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Data Lineage Analysis

Data lineage analysis is the applied understanding of how data flows throughout your data environment. Applications include understanding where errors came from, the impact a

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Data Lineage Tracking

Data lineage tracking is the process of actively tracing your data’s journey from one point to another point within your data landscape.  In order to

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Data Literacy

Data literacy is the ability to comprehend, analyze, and extract insights from data. In order to propel a business, data needs to be completely…

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Data Management

Because businesses today—especially large businesses—are completely reliant on their data to make both day-to-day and strategic decisions, the quality of that data is of utmost importance…

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Data Mapping Software

A data map can show you the relationships between different data sources; systems that collect, organize, manipulate, and store data; and the reports, dashboards, and other artifacts that consume the data…

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Data Mesh

What is Data Mesh? Data mesh is an approach to data architecture that is intentionally distributed, where data is owned and governed by domain-specific teams

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Data Observability

Data observability is the capability and process of being on top of your data pipelines at a level that provides the ability to catch, identify

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Data Pipeline

A data pipeline is effectively an automated assembly line for taking raw data from different sources, processing it so it becomes usable, and moving it

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Data Profiling

Data profiling is the process of analyzing the characteristics of datasets in order to discover patterns, relationships, or issues with the data. The resulting data

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Data Validation

Data validation is checking a dataset to make sure that it isn’t defective. Data validation confirms that the dataset is good to be used, and

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Databricks Data Lineage

What is Databricks Data Lineage? Databricks Data Lineage is an internal feature of the Databricks platform’s Unity Catalog, enabling you to see the data flow

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DataOps Framework

A DataOps framework is a way to structure your data analytics product development so as to increase the quantity of data analytics products you can

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End-to-end Data Lineage

End-to-end data lineage is the tracing of a data point’s path throughout your entire data landscape, from source (where it entered) to target (where it

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Metadata Lineage

Metadata lineage is tracking the path of data as it moves through your systems by using the information that your systems generate whenever a change

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Metadata Management

Picture the amount of data that a large company has acquired. Simply maintaining this magnitude of data could be a BI team’s full time job.

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Purview Data Lineage

What is Purview Data Lineage? Purview Data Lineage is a feature of the Microsoft Purview set of data governance solutions. Microsoft Purview was formed in

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SQL Lineage

Simply put, it’s data lineage based on SQL; that is, it’s a data lineage tool that focuses on the SQL code that is used to build, maintain, and manage data sources…

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