A-Team Insight Named Octopai “Most Innovative Data Lineage Solution” for 2022

Most innovative data lineage solution

It’s always a thrill to be recognized for something into which you’ve put an immense amount of effort.

That’s why we at Octopai were so gratified to be awarded the A-Team’s 2022 “Most Innovative Data Lineage Solution” award.

The A-Team is a knowledge platform for financial markets, providing in-depth resources across all aspects of regulation, enterprise data management and trading technology. Their annual Innovation Awards celebrate innovative projects and teams that leverage new and emerging technologies to deliver high-value solutions for financial institutions in capital markets.

The A-Team Group’s independent, expert advisory board, working in collaboration with their editorial team, named Octopai “Most Innovative Data Lineage Solution” for their 2022 Awards.

What were the particular innovations they picked up on? Well, you’ll have to ask them, but we’ll share a few of our own thoughts about the innovations we see in Octopai’s Data Lineage XD:


In order to discover the story or journey of your data, the tool you need depends on what you want to understand.

That’s why Octopai’s Data Lineage XD includes three separate types of data lineage:

  • Cross-system lineage, providing end-to-end lineage at the system level from the entry point into the data landscape, all the way to reporting and analytics
  • End-to-end column lineage, showing column to column-level lineage between systems from the entry point into the data landscape, all the way through to reporting and analytics
  • Inner-system lineage, detailing the column-level lineage within an ETL process, report, or database object

Need to predict the impact of a process change? Go for cross-system lineage

Need to discover the cause of a reporting error? End-to-end column lineage to the rescue.

Need to visualize the logic of an ETL process? Inner-system lineage is the tool for you. 

Data lineage is not one-size-fits-all. That was clear to us at Octopai, and that’s why multidimensionality is a key innovation in our data lineage solution.

Seamless Integration with our Automated Data Catalog

The more holistic a view you can take of your data, the more powerful your data intelligence will be. 

A comprehensive data catalog can be the focus of a holistic data perspective. It gives any data asset immediate context. It enables users of all types and skill levels an intuitive, friendly way to search, find and understand your data.  

When a comprehensive data catalog integrates with a comprehensive data lineage solution… that’s when things really start to take off. 

If you have a question as to a data asset’s accuracy, the data catalog can serve as a one-stop solution. It’s easy to find the asset in question, and then, with integrated data lineage, all it takes is one click to gain access to the end-to-end lineage, providing complete visibility into what happened to the data as it flowed through your data landscape. 

Shorter time to accurate answers? Check!

Shorter time to error corrections? Check!

Shorter time to holistic data understanding and insight? Check!

By integrating multidimensional data lineage into our comprehensive data catalog, Octopai has lowered the barriers to data use and insight while raising the level of data trust within the organization.

Always Be Innovating

We see the A-Team Innovation Award as a vote of confidence for Octopai’s ability to deliver immense value to organizations looking to improve their data management. 

But we’re not planning on hanging the award on our office wall and then hanging around gazing at it. It will serve as a reminder of the power of innovation – and our ability and responsibility to keep pushing the bar on data intelligence innovation!

See for yourself why Octopai's Data Lineage XD is the most innovative lineage on the market!
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